
The Student Assessment Guide and Learning Plan describes the evidence required to be competent in this unit.

You can track your progress by comparing it against unit requirements and at every stage of your learning and study. You can also get support from your iTAFE mentor and advisor.

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Study Guide

There are many ways that you might choose to make your way through the unit. The diagram and suggested sessions (below) will help to plan your learning through the Develop positive & respectful relationships with children  unit. The sessions outlined below are a suggestion only - you may have another way that you prefer to study.

VET Open Online Courses (VOOCs)

Session 1 -Communicate positively with children  - Blue tiles

This includes
  • Respond sensitively and appropriately to all children’s efforts to communicate
  • Engage in sustained conversations with individual children about things that interest the child
  • Consistently respond positively to all children who require attention
  • Sit and talk with children at mealtimes and help create a relaxed and unhurried routine
  • Knowledge of how to navigate through framework and standards documents to find areas relevant to this unit of competency
A few points to think about for your blog:
Why is it implortant to focus on children's interests when engaging in sustained conversations with individual children?
          How do relaxed, calm environments effect communications between educator & children?
How does an effective educator ensure that individual children's communications are responded to positively?

Session 2 -Interact positively with children - Pink tiles 

This include
  • Participate in children’s  play and using children’s  cues to guide the level and type of involvement
  •  Respond positively  and respectfully  to children’s comments,  questions and requests for assistance
  • Role-model positive interactions  with others
  • Encourage children  to share their stories and ideas

A few points to think about for your blog:
What are benefits of responding positively & respectfully to children’s comments, questions and requests for assistance? 
What may be some consequences when educators do not observe & respond to the cues children use to guide the level and type of educator's involvement wanted by the children in their play ?

Session 3 -Support & respect children  - Purple tiles  

This includes:
  • Assist to create an environment that reflects the lives of the children, their families and the local community
  • Support the implementation of practices & routines that honour children, their family and the community context
  • Show genuine  interest in, understanding  of and respect for all children
  • Comfort children  who cry or show signs of distress
  • Respond positively  to the varying  abilities  and confidence  of all children
  • Acknowledge  children’s  efforts and achievements
A few points to think about for your blog:
           Give some examples of how the environment in children's service may be created to reflects the lives of the children, their families and the local community?

          What may be some consequences  if when responding to children their varying abilities  and  backgrounds were not taken into consideration? 

 Session 4 -Maintain  the dignity and rights  of children - Orange tiles

This includes
  • Assist in organising  spaces, resources and routines to minimise  times when children  are likely  to experience stress or frustration.
  • Allow children  to make choices and to experience natural consequences of these where there is no risk of physical or emotional harm to the child  or another being
  • Monitor and respond to children’s  play and support interactions  where there is conflict
  • Acknowledge  children  when they make positive  choices in managing  their own behaviour
  • Use positive  language,  gestures,  facial expressions  and tone of voice when redirecting  or discussing  children’s behaviour  with them
  •  Be gentle,  calm and reassuring  even when children strongly  express distress, 
A few points to think about for your blog:
How  does an effective educator maintain  children's dignity & rights whilst redirecting behaviour? 
Explain why it is necessary to be gentle, calm and reassuring even when children strongly expressing distress?  

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